28 Days of Positivity
28 Days of Positivity: How to crush negativity and release a lifetime of greatness in less than a month, provides a simple formula for finding more joy in your life and making good things happen. The book contains a medley of invaluable life resources, which can pick you up when you are feeling down, stamp out any negativity ruling your life, or even completely change who you are and where you are going in life, on your terms! With 28 different activities and tools to try out, or embed into your daily routine, this book offers you the opportunity to take back control of your future direction and keep focused on what you want in life.
This simple-to-apply, essential how-to guide, is inspired by positive psychology, with simplified, easily digestible, bite-sized exercises for your own self-development, mental health and well-being. It can also be valuable for personal development or life coaches looking for inspiration or tools and concepts to use in their practice. The book is written in a way that is light, accessible and easy to understand, with stories, mind-blowing research and interesting facts to spark your curiosity. Each day you will learn a new topic and the author shares her personal favourite books on each topic if you are inspired to learn more.